DigiDoc Client

DigiDoc Client

It's a MS Windows application for creating and verifying digitally signed files.

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DigiDoc Client is a MS Windows application for creating and verifying digitally signed files according to ETSI TS 101 903 (XAdES) specification.

DigiDoc Client is also capable of encryption/decryption of files (signed or unsigned) according to W3C XML Encryption Recommendation.

DigiDoc client is one component of DigiDoc system framework consisting of base libraries, intermediate libraries, webservice and end-user applications such as DigiDoc Portal and DigiDoc Client itself.

The DigiDoc Client makes use of DigiDoc COM-library which, in turn, uses DigiDoc C-library. DigiDoc Client is written in Visual Basic. Most of the PKI-specific functionality is carried out by the DigiDoc C-library so that the DigiDoc Client itself represents mostly a Graphical User Interface to the functionality of the DigiDoc library.
DigiDoc Client is supported on all MS Windows platforms starting from Windows 98.

This program received 1 award
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Guest 15 years ago

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